The company's interaction with Partners and other external contact audiences is based on the following fundamental principles.
Compliance with the law
1. In our activities, we strictly adhere to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the countries of the Customs Union and the countries in which our exported products are sold.
Openness to dialogue and appeals from interested parties
1. We openly conduct a dialogue with all contact persons – from organizations and business entities to individuals who send requests to our address in any form: verbally, in writing, by telephone.
2. Anyone can become our Buyer or Supplier: a Belarusian or foreign organization, an individual entrepreneur.
3. Considering the proposals of several interested parties, we decide on cooperation based on the principle of fair competition. The criteria for selecting counterparties are economically justified and determined by the business interests of the enterprise.
1. We supply food products that meet all the requirements for product quality and safety.
2. Among the supplied groups of food products are the following:
· mayonnaise and mayonnaise sauces;
· ketchups, tomato sauces and tomato pastes;
· original sauces;
· salad dressings;
· mustard and horseradish;
· vegetable oil;
· pasta;
· canned fruits and vegetables;
· low-alcohol drinks;
· energy drinks;
· Drinking water.
3. Input raw materials and finished products manufactured at the KAMAKO PLUS LLC joint venture in Borisov are subject to control in its own testing laboratory accredited in the National Accreditation System of the Republic of Belarus. Quality management systems and manufactured products comply with international standards of quality and food safety: STB ISO 9001, STB 1470, NASSR.
Respect for business interests of Partners
1. In our relations with Partners and Clients, we adhere to the principle of respecting the business interests of the parties.
2. The content of contracts concluded with Suppliers provides for the condition of unilateral refusal to execute a contract providing for the supply of food products – the Supplier has the right to unilaterally refuse to execute the contract if the Buyer improperly fulfills the terms of the contract.
Mutually beneficial cooperation
1. In our relations with Partners and Clients, we adhere to the principle of ensuring mutual benefit.
Compliance with contractual terms
1. Within the framework of cooperation with Partners, we ensure the full fulfillment of contractual obligations and adhere to the principle of strict financial discipline.
2. The payment procedure for the supplied goods is carried out by agreement of the parties in accordance with the requirements of the legislation on trade.
Economically reasonable pricing
1. When setting prices, we are guided by the principles of a comprehensive analysis of market conditions and competitive pricing.
2. The price of the contract is determined based on the price of food products established by the agreement of the parties to the contract providing for the supply of food products, unless otherwise established by the legislation on pricing.
Optimizing the terms of cooperation
1. The current terms of delivery are aimed at optimizing the costs of both parties and ensuring competitive prices for products shipped to Partners and Customers.
2. The order of delivery of goods is pickup or delivery by the Supplier's transport.
3. The terms of delivery of goods are determined by agreement of the parties in accordance with the delivery schedules and the current contract.
Long-term partnership
1. We have been successfully developing partnerships with most of our Partners and Clients for many years, which ensures stability and efficiency of business activities, dynamic development and adaptability in a changing external environment for both sides.
2. The principles of our activity are aimed at the formation and maintenance of an impeccable business reputation as a conscientious partner.
3. In April 2021, KAMAKO was included in the Register of Bona Fide Partners in the Republic of Belarus. The Register contains a list of business entities of the Republic of Belarus, the official information about which indicates their integrity as business partners in the Republic of Belarus and abroad. The certificate issued by the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is valid until 03/04/2023. The register of bona fide partners is posted on the official website of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and currently includes 200 business entities.
1. Based on the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the company's administrative documentation and the terms of concluded contracts and agreements, we carefully comply with the requirements for confidentiality of official information, both internal and external, available to us in the framework of fulfilling contractual obligations towards Partners and Customers.
2. Provision of additional information to organizations is possible upon request and in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
Trading unitary enterprise
(Unitary Enterprise «KAMAKO PRODCENTER»)
38A Gorodetskaya St., room 29
220125, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
tel.: +375 17 388 12 23, 388 12 34
Fax: +375 388 12 23
account BY 21 BPSB 30121033990129330000
in RD No. 700 in Minsk and the Minsk region
80 Masherova ave., Minsk, 220035
UNP – 690367131, OKPO – 292845505000
The Belarusian-Polish joint venture «KAMAKO PLUS»
in the form of a limited liability company
Morozova Street, 87, liter B1 / B, cab. 1
222514, Minsk region, Borisov, Republic of Belarus
Tel. / Fax: +375 17 774 70 05
Tel. accounting: +375 17 779 90 33
payment account: BY59 PJCB 30120192491000000933
CBU 112 OAO "Priorbank", BIK PJCBBY2X
222526, Mr. Borisov, Gagarina Street, 101A
UNP-800001567, OKPO-29105398